编写 斐波那契数列 的初始子序列
a, b = 0,1 while a < 10: print(a) a, b= b, a+b
def fab(max): n, a, b = 0, 0, 1 while n < max: print b a, b = b, a + b n = n + 1 fab(5)
# 今天吃什么.py import fileinput,random lunch = list(fileinput.input(openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded('utf-8',))) print(random.choice(lunch))
汉堡王 庆丰包子 魏家凉皮 霸蛮米粉 你的心跳酸菜鱼 食堂 山西刀削面 KFC 吉野家
python 今天吃什么.py 菜单.txt
from random import * lis = ['苹果','梨','樱桃','车厘子','菠萝','波罗蜜','榴莲','橘子','橙子','柚子'] choice(lis)
values = list(range(1,11)) + 'Jack Queen King'.split() # 列表,list(range... suits = 'diamond clubs hearts spades'.split() # [diamond,clubs,hearts,spades] deck = ['%s of %s'%(v, s) for v in values for s in suits] # 两个for,最终是个列表 from pprint import pprint #自动换行 pprint(deck[:12]) #只选12张(按顺序)显示如下
['1 of diamond', '1 of clubs', '1 of hearts', '1 of spades', '2 of diamond', '2 of clubs', '2 of hearts', '2 of spades', '3 of diamond', '3 of clubs', '3 of hearts', '3 of spades']
from random import shuffle # shuffle(deck) #序列元素随机排序 pprint(deck[:12]) #选12张(最终随机)显示如下
['5 of hearts', '1 of hearts', '1 of diamond', '6 of clubs', 'Jack of spades', '2 of diamond', 'King of spades', '8 of diamond', 'Queen of clubs', '6 of diamond', '9 of clubs', '9 of spades']
计算圆周率 π
n = int(input("请输入想要计算到小数点后的位数:")) #输入字符转换为整数 t = n+10 #多计算10位,防止尾数取舍的影响 b = 10**t #为算到小数点后t位,两边乘以10^t x1 = b*4//5 #取整求含4/5的首项 x2 = b // -239 #取整求含1/239的首项 s = x1+x2 #求第一大项 n *= 2 #设置下面循环的终点,即共计算n项 for i in range(3, n, 2): #循环初值=3,末值n,步长=2 x1 //= -25 #取整求每个含1/5的项及符号 x2 //= -57121 #取整求每个含1/239的项及符号 x = (x1+x2) // i #求两项之和,除以对应因子,取整 s += x #求总和 pai = s*4 #求出π pai //= 10**10 #舍掉后十位 print(pai) #输出圆周率π的值,不带小数点